Saturday, 16 January 2016

darkness, nothingness

‘I was always an unusual girl. My mother told me that I had a chameleon soul, 
no moral compass pointing me due north, no fixed personality.’

I belong to no one. I have nothing. And I want everything.

Sometimes I wish I had many lives. And sometimes I really believe it.
I’m on so many ways. Two steps forward, one step back, three steps left, and another step right.

Is there anybody in there?

But I keep going, it’s time to go, because once we were born, we can never stop.
And once we grew up, we can never come back.

I want to scream, I want to shout, I want to run round and round. 
And wanting me to change would be a great harm for me.

We’ve got a war to fight, regardless of what everybody says.
You should be glad you are not me.

I think too much. My mind never stops and causes me headaches. 
I don’t want to die. Never. I don’t want to be taken by that scary nothingness. 
It will be the end for all of my lives.

And my tears are like pearls, falling down and smashing up into pieces.
A flutter of my lashes causes an earthquake on the dark side of the moon.
My senses are sharpened. I can see in the dark. 
Landing softly on my four legs, with a single leap, I move to the other side.

Fire, walk with me.

* And the Earth, you’ll see, the Earth won’t be the Earth, it won’t hold you.
* And the Water, you’ll see, the Water won’t be the Water, it won’t cool you.
* And the Wind, you’ll see, the Wind won’t be the Wind, it won’t calm you.
* And the Fire, you’ll see, the Fire won’t be the Fire, you won’t wade through it.

And when she stops loving you, you’ll see the Night in a middle of a day, 
and a black sky instead of stars. 

You’ll see everything what I have seen.

Thursday, 7 January 2016


A woman.

'He fell in love. 
No,  heard it was the sea he fell in love with.

Same story, different versions. And all are true. See, it was a woman as changing and harsh and untamable as the sea. He never stopped loving her. But the pain it caused was too much to live with, but not enough ti cause him to die.'

The Sea can’t be quiet.

Every time I look into its dim abyss, I feel its power.
I feel a cold wind on my face, drops of salt water on my lips, damp hair sticking to my forehead. 
I am a pirate. Only a pirate knows and is able to take a risk. Only a pirate can appreciate this dangerous beauty.

And I saw frothed waves and I felt them crashing me. I saw lightnings and I heard peals. 
I saw a whirlpool but I kept walking. I took a deep breath and I dived. 
Sea’s roar turned into buzzing. I blinked a few times and I saw it.

I saw the underwater world.

I saw mermaids, beautiful and frightening at the same time. I saw tritons armed with tridents and selkies with their seal’s tails.

I saw sandy floor and a palace of white marble. I saw slow movements of fishtails. I looked at my feet and there was a flipper. I looked at my hands and I saw webbed fingers. 
I swallowed water and I felt it passing through my gills.

And I stuck out of the water in my bath.

I was lucky at least once more. As always.